Mario Anthony Xavier De Souza - Success Story


Client story before contact with the Skills Escalator

Mr De Souza was on furlough and was looking for an additional qualification so that he could secure a job within security and earn a good salary so that he didn’t have to depend on benefits.


How were you dealt with when you contacted the Skills Escalator

I was provided with a great support in a timely manner which helped me to get the additional qualification to look for a job which is currently in demand.


Did the Skills Escalator meet your expectation?

yes, this project helped me to learn new skills, enhance my knowledge, get a qualification and get a license which will help me to get a job which is currently in demand.


In your own words how will you describe the Skills Escalator

This project is a great initiative from London borough of Hounslow which is helping the residents living in the London borough of Hounslow to develop their work skills and this will empower many people to get a better paid job and employers will be able to get skilled workers.


Will you recommend the Skills Escalator to other people?

Yes, I will recommend the project to my friends and family because this is a great opportunity to learn new skills and get a qualification as I strongly believe that “LIFE IS ALL ABOUT LEARNING NEW THINGS EVERY SINGLE DAY”


How has the Skills Escalator changed or made a difference in your life?

The project has helped me to development new skills and to get a new qualification to get a job which is currently in demand.

I would like to thank all the team and management of London borough of Hounslow who supported me through this Skills Escalator Project to develop new skills and gain a new qualification. This will help me to get a job with a good salary which in turn will help me not to depend on benefits and keep my family happy and become a good citizen of this country contributing towards the Economic development of this country.